After success with their album, Hello Fascination, Breathe Carolina announced about their new album: Hell is What You Make It. The album will release on July 12, 2011. I've got this information from their official Facebook. And here's their feelings about their new album in breathecarolina.net

Our album has finally dropped! We can't tell you how excited we are to share this part of our lives with you! This album is just us trying anything and everything we've ever wanted to try and we couldn't be happier with the outcome!
We tried to make a record that shows our different influences and we hope that you'll find something on this record that you'll enjoy!
Thank you to everyone who came and watched us at The Vans Warped Tour! You've made our Dream reality! Thank You!
Hope to see you all again on the Family Force 5 "dancerawrdance" tour!
We love you all!

That;s just a little information I've got. This is the official video from Breathe Carolina (from the scene, I think this album will be better than theirs..).

(Note: You can click here for more information about this band and their previous album..).

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